CBC Interstellar [-CBC-]

Goonswarm Federation [CONDI]

CEOAnterus NabaliTax rate0.125%
Alliance Goonswarm FederationHeadquarters

Alliance history

CBC InterstellarGoonswarm Federation2016-09-04 16:172025-03-06 14:108 years, 6 months, 1 day, 21 hours and 53 minutes
CBC InterstellarFidelas Constans2016-06-27 17:502016-09-04 16:172 months, 7 days, 22 hours and 27 minutes
CBC InterstellarPolonium INC.2016-05-23 19:402016-06-27 17:501 month, 3 days, 22 hours and 10 minutes
CBC InterstellarFidelas Constans2013-05-29 17:202016-05-23 19:402 years, 11 months, 24 days, 2 hours and 20 minutes
CBC InterstellarFidelas Constans2012-02-29 23:112013-05-29 17:201 year, 2 months, 29 days, 18 hours and 9 minutes
CBC InterstellarImportant Internet Spaceship League2011-07-21 23:512012-02-29 23:117 months, 7 days, 23 hours and 20 minutes
CBC InterstellarTactical Narcotics Team2010-04-17 07:512011-07-21 23:511 year, 3 months, 4 days, 16 hours
CBC InterstellarMostly AFK2009-01-19 00:382010-04-17 07:511 year, 2 months, 29 days, 7 hours and 13 minutes
CBC InterstellarZbojcerze2008-10-09 15:182009-01-19 00:383 months, 9 days, 9 hours and 20 minutes
CBC InterstellarThe Unseen Company2007-12-08 13:112008-10-09 15:1810 months, 1 day, 2 hours and 7 minutes
u'CBC Interstellar
czyli Centrum Bada\u0144 Chaosu

S\u0105 na tym \u015bwiecie rzeczy o kt\xf3rych nie \u015bnili filozofowie.
S\u0105 tajemnice daleko przekraczaj\u0105ce granice ludzkiego pojmowania.
Jest wiedza, kt\xf3ra nigdy nie powinna ujrze\u0107 \u015bwiat\u0142a dziennego,
bo ju\u017c cie\u0144 prawdy wystarcza by z\u0142ama\u0107 cienk\u0105 skorupk\u0119 zdrowia psychicznego.

Na szcz\u0119\u015bcie chaos nie ma z tym nic wsp\xf3lnego.
Chaos to solidna dziedzina matematyki stosowanej.
Chwa\u0142a Azathothowi!
Badamy teori\u0119 chaosu by wykorzysta\u0107 efekt motyla do robienia wielkich
pieni\u0119dzy przy ma\u0142ym wysi\u0142ku i wygrywania wojen ma\u0142\u0105 armatk\u0105.

Osi\u0105gneli\u015bmy ju\u017c po\u0142\xf3w\u0119 sukcesu - t\u0119 z ma\u0142ym wysi\u0142kiem.

We are Chaos Research Center

There are things in this world
that philosophers never dreamed of
There are mysteries far beyond human comprehension
There is knowledge that shall never be known as its faint traces are enough to break the delicate shell of sanity.

Luckily, chaos is not one of them.
Chaos is a well understood and precisely described field of applied mathematics.
Praise Azathoth!

We research theory of chaos seeking ways to use the butterfly effect to make big money with little effort and kill a lot of people with a little gun.
So far we achieved half of the success - the "little effort". Still working on the "big effect" part.

CBC is Polish Mature PvP Corporation
CEO said "we do PvE too"

Kanal rekrutacyjny:https://discord.cbc-interstellar.pl/ '



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